Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rain, glorious rain!

There's been a lot of rain here the last few days. Not scary thundering rain, just a nice soft steady downpour that soaks everything, leaving it all fresh and new after. I love the rain! I love the sound of rain, the smell of rain, the feel of it on my face, as long as I can come inside, dry off and curl up in my big wingback and feel cozy after. I love sleeping in on rainy mornings! But yesterday my alarm went off at 7:00 because I had a dental appointment. What an awful way to lose a good rainy morning! Coupled with the idea of driving on the interstate in the rain, this wasn't looking like a good way to start the day.

There wasn't a lot of traffic, the office was easy to find, and the staff was very nice and helpful.
We grabbed a late breakfast and shopped the post season sales a bit since we were right there at the mall. Found a couple of things for the new grandbaby, pants for Laura, an organic cotton top for Sara, and 2 tops for me! I never find anything! MissusSmartPants would be proud!

We got back in time for Laura's piano lesson, a trip to the yarn shop and the library and finally back home sweet home to my big wingback chair, and a James Garner movie. I think I love James Garner almost as much as I love rain. Always have.

Turned out to be a really nice day after all.


Laura said...

Go Mommy for finding tops!!!

James Garner is so fabulous . . . but hey, old news? *happy sigh*

Sara said...

Beautiful post, mama! :)